To put our mission into action, the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative currently supports five issue teams. These issue teams are made up of a group of individuals who work together to address a specific social justice issue. The teams set goals for themselves and determine their own direction moving forward.

The issue teams are: LGBT Initiative, Immigrant Justice, Women & Justice, Adele Social Justice Project, Racial Justice, and Death Penalty Abolition and Restorative Justice.

Our Issue Teams

An additional issue, Environmental Justice, is recognized as important by the MSJC, even though it is not a traditional issue team. The Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) facilitates discussion, projects, and initiatives around this issue as their own entity and for the MSJC.

Interested in learning more about any of the issue teams? Click on their picture below to get a much clearer idea of each team’s mission and goals!

Women & Justice

Learn more

Racial Justice

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LGBTQ+ Initiative

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Integral Ecology

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Immigrant Justice

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Death Penalty Abolition
and Restorative Justice

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Adele Social Justice

Young Adult Outreach

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Upcoming MSJC Events


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