The LGBTQ+ Initiative responds to the Church’s call to be welcoming and compassionate by offering effective pastoral care and spiritual support for LGBTQ+ Catholics and their families. We foster dialogue, education, and understanding among the diverse communities and institutions affiliated with the Marianist Family. Our goal is to fully welcome our Marianist LGBTQ+ members into all aspects of our communities. Through our work, we hope the Marianist Family becomes a prophetic witness to the Church and the world on how to welcome and embrace LGBTQ+ people and their gifts.

Our Mission

LGBTQ+ Initiative 

Working to make the Marianist Family, and the community at large, more welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ+ persons.


Interest in learning more about or joining this justice team?

MSJC's LGBTQ+ Initiative frequently plans and hosts a weekend retreat for LGBTQ+ persons, their families, and allies. The retreat is filled with opportunities for spiritual renewal, teachings of the faith, and time for building community, faith sharing, and fellowship--all with the LGBTQ+ person in mind. See the chart below for information on our past retreats and save the date for our upcoming retreat in Chicago over the weekend of June 6-8, 2025!

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Trans Advocacy

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Imago Dei Assembly

In June 2024, MSJC's LGBTQ+ Initiative hosted Imago Dei: Embracing the Dignity of LGBTQ+ Persons, an assembly for the Catholic LGBTQ+ community. Imago Dei honored the 50th anniversary of a 1974 groundbreaking conference centered on LGBTQ inclusion and ministry which was also held in Dayton at the Bergamo Center.  Over 140 participants joined us for the Imago Dei weekend of reflection, prayer, and community-building. You can find more details about Imago Dei, our published impact report, and some reflections on the event at the link below.

Imago Dei

Imago Dei Details


Trans Advocacy

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Imago Dei Assembly

As the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative's LGBTQ+ Initiative grows and reaches more people, folks who are aware of the "LGB" may be curious to broaden their understanding of transgender identities, or the "T". The LGBTQ+ Initiative, in light of this, has organized a Trans Advocacy Committee. This committee has created the following resources and programs: 
  • Trans in the Eyes of God Podcast and Discussion Guide - This guide is for use by individuals, small-faith communities, or parishes. 
  • Trans 101 Workshop - This 90 minute session covers basic terminology on trans identity, explores questions concerning the inclusion of our trans family and community members. This session includes time for conversational question and answer. 

The work of the Trans Advocacy Committee can be a beacon of hope for our trans community members, holding space through education in an effort to foster a welcoming Marianist community they can be a part of.  Check back here for new opportunities to engage!

Trans Advocacy


Trans Advocacy

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Imago Dei Assembly

Living Our Marianist Charism: Embracing the LGBTQ+ Community offers a collection of stories and perspectives from LGBTQ+ persons, family members, and allies affiliated with the Marianist family. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness of the presence and role of LGBTQ+ people in the Catholic Church and in the Marianist Family. We hope through watching this video each viewer will discover their call of inclusivity towards LGBTQ+ persons, appreciate the gifts of LGBTQ+ persons in the Marianist Family and Church, and consider ways of being a prophetic voice on matters pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community. 

Both English and Spanish subtitles are available on the video. We have created a Video Resource Guide to help you facilitate dialogue in your local community, which can also be found in the Resources section below. Additionally, the guide has been translated to Spanish: Guía de Recursos del Video

Living Our Marianist Charism LGBTQ+ Video


Trans Advocacy

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Imago Dei Assembly

Young people today are growing up in a complicated world that presents a constant tug of war between Gospel values and cultural pressures. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ youth, many of whom feel isolated and excluded because they are seen as “different”. This booklet offers a Catholic and Marianist perspective and rationale for assisting LGBTQ+ youth as they come to understand their identity. It outlines strategies for assuring that our institutions and ministries promote understanding, respect, and acceptance for all young people. 

LGBTQ+ Resource for Educators

Addressing LGBT Issues with Youth – A Resource for Educators


Trans Advocacy

LGBTQ+ Retreats


Imago Dei Assembly

Our Current Projects

As one lay Marianist once said: “What is unique about the Marianists is the spirit of family, that I am always welcome; that I am part of the community; that my presence and my input are valued; and that I am invited to help shape the future of the Marianists.” The LGBTQ+ Initiative Team wants to provide opportunities for all Marianist communities, with their goals of justice and hospitality in mind, to continue to strive to become places where all members feel as this person does. We want to foster a community where persons with different sexual orientations can dialogue with others honestly, listening to one another’s hopes and concerns. Our desire is to promote a community where all can be truthful with one another without fearing negative responses and where members of the LGBTQ+ community can feel comfortable self-identifying. Our hope is that the Marianist family be a prophetic leader in achieving this goal within the larger Church family.

The Marianist Charism

We, as Marianists, are committed to supporting one another in the challenges of daily living and in working for the coming of the reign of justice where the oppressed go free. It has become clear that there are LGBTQ+ members of the Marianist Family, as well as the broader Church community, that do not feel free to be themselves; persons who have a deep spirituality but feel alienated from their communities. This team answers that by responding with a commitment to ongoing dialogue and collaboration. We remember that each of us have been called to carry the Marianist charism into the world and to make the true Marianist vision and dream a reality on Earth. It is not just we as a community who can help transform the lives of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, but our lives together can be enriched by intentionally welcoming others who bring additional gifts, talents and backgrounds.

Lived Experience

Mary said at Cana: “Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you.” How does Jesus tell us what to do today in respect to our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters? Both through the official teaching of the Church and the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our community members He is telling us to “Love one another as I have loved you.” One of the essential tests of social justice within any Christian community is its abiding spirit of inclusion. The building of a family demands that we reach beyond ourselves in order to accept and learn from all the members of our community.


“Always Our Children“, a pastoral message from the Bishops’ Committee on Marriage and Family to parents of homosexual children and suggestions for pastoral ministers, states that “every person has an inherent dignity because he or she is created in God’s image.” It goes on to say that “the Christian Community should offer its homosexual sisters and brothers understanding and pastoral care.” Homophobia is prejudice based on the belief that LGBTQ+ people are sinful, immoral, sick, and inferior to heterosexuals. It is experienced as feelings of fear, discomfort, dislike, hatred or disgust with homosexuality. We believe that homophobia exists in our Marianist family just as it does in the broader Church and culture. We also believe that positive attitudes come from knowledge. The LGBTQ+ Initiative Issue Team is committed to providing our Marianist family with this knowledge and invite you to join us.

Catholic Social Teaching


Why is the Marianist Family called to work for LGBTQ+ Inclusion?