The mission of the Women and Justice Team, with the support of the larger Marianist Family, is to:
  • Promote an increase in women’s influence in the Church so the Church can benefit from all the graces given to her 
  • Work towards overcoming clericalism in the Church through reform
  • Commit to opening the door for women to be deacons and priests
  • Recognize and celebrate women in the Church and Marianist Family who have made a difference
  • Give hope to younger women who are frustrated with or considering leaving the Church

Our Mission

Women and Justice Team

Advocating for Women in our Church and in our World


Any interest in learning more about or joining this justice team?

The Women & Justice Issue Team has committed to hosting events throughout the year that highlight important women of faith, women in the Marianist tradition, and women's inclusion in the Church. Here is a list of recent events: 
  • Open Wide the Unlocked Door: A conversation about women & the diaconate
  • Celebration of Adele: Past & Present 
  • A Church for Our Daughters: A discussion on the opportunities of the Synod 
  • Seeking Justice and Inclusion for Women in the Church presentation to Visitation State Marianist Community
Moving forward, the team hopes to continue to promote discerning deacons and follow the synodial process.

Women and Justice Facebook Page

Advocating for the Voice of Women within the Church

Learning about Important Women of Faith 

Women's Justice Events

Women's Justice Events

Together, this issue team has studied the life of Marie Therese and read The Friendship of Women: The Hidden Tradition of the Bible by Joan Chittister together, and are hoping to explore similar books in the future. The Women & Justice Issue Team has a special focus on trying to educate ourselves about the lives and lessons of important women of faith. 

Learning about Important Women of Faith 

Women and Justice Facebook Page

Advocating for the Voice of Women within the Church

Learning about Important Women of Faith 

Women's Justice Events

We collaborate with and support two groups: Catholic Women Preach and Catholic Women Deacons. You can read more about these organizations in the resources section below.

Advocating for the Voice of Women within the Church

Women and Justice Facebook Page

Advocating for the Voice of Women within the Church

Learning about Important Women of Faith 

Women's Justice Events

We regularly update our Facebook page with events, current issues, articles, and stories of important women throughout history. Please join our Facebook Group

Women and Justice Facebook Page

Women and Justice Facebook Page

Advocating for the Voice of Women within the Church

Learning about Important Women of Faith 

Women's Justice Events

Our Current Projects

The Women & Justice Issue Team upholds the value of the discipleship of equals within the Marianist Charism. Priests, brothers, sisters and lay people all bring gifts that are equally valued and can be used to serve others. There is no hierarchy within the Family of Mary - a gift that the Marianists can advocate for within the larger church. 

We are also inspired by the example of one of our foundresses, Marie Therese de Lamourous. When the local pastor took the schismatic oath to the new Republic of France, Marie Therese, together with the members of the parish, shunned the services held by the pastor. She herself became the "pastor-shepherd" to the community.  

Why is the Marianist Family called to work on this issue?

Marie Therese also dedicated her life’s work to serving women, some of the most vulnerable in France’s society, who had previously been engaged in prostitution. We feel, as a team, that we can act as a force lifting the voices of vulnerable women worldwide, just like Marie Therese did so many years ago. 

The Women & Justice Issue Team, through our Marianist lens, promotes increased leadership and influence of women in our Church and works to support and lift up all women in the world.